Dead child abused for better photo.
It is painful enough to lose a child, what about when his lifeless body is used for photo opportunity?
It is painful enough to lose a child, what about when his lifeless body is used for photo opportunity?
Videofootage of Green Helmet acting as a cynical movie director in Qana, July 30th, 2006 - TV magazine "ZAPP, Germany's NDR
From the excellent LGF
Qana's Children
July 31, 2006
The Free West
War with Photographs
How terrorists of Hizbullah make propaganda with dead children.
Julian Reichelt and Sebastian von Bassewitz
IHC ask the question, "Was the whole world deceived by terrorists of Hizbullah?"
Israel Hasbara Committee.
An open letter to AP, AFP, and Reuters about the Qana photos
To Robert Spencer, Charles Johnson, and their readers...
Jihad Watch
Children and their family dying in unimaginable brutality don't quite get the same attention from the world today. Sudan (See The Art of War ).
Rwanda - 1994, on 800,000 killed, 300 000 were children (UNICEF).
On August 02, 2006 in Iraq: Children killed by bombs during soccer game.
When Israelis fires hit innocents used as shields by Hezbollah, we weep, when Muslims kill or abused other Muslims and none-Muslims in Iraq or anywhere else in the world, we barely notice or if we do, we forget too quickly.
On September 1, 2004 more than 1200 school children and adults were taken hostage by Muslim terrorists at School Number One in Beslan, Russia.
A confrontation between the hostage-takers and Russian security forces lead to the death of 344 civilians, 186 of them children, while hundreds more were wounded and deeply traumatized.
A confrontation between the hostage-takers and Russian security forces lead to the death of 344 civilians, 186 of them children, while hundreds more were wounded and deeply traumatized.
Photo credit Stinger-Russia/ Reuters
Soucre:Ossezia, si conclude in un bagno di sangue il dramma degli ostaggi
Today, how many were savagely killed in Iraq ?
From Daily War News
<-Town Hall, see baby 1, baby 2
Green Helmet and child, Zombie Time
Child dispayed by a "soldier" with bran new uniform, Riehl World View